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Queen Dee's Banana Bread

Those of you who know me well, know how much I love baking. Unfortunately, most of the recipes out there call for cups of sugar. When I bake for my kids, I tend to replace sugar with honey or maple syrup. Your kids won't even notice. This recipe is a favorite, and gets baked almost every week so my kids can have it for breakfast with a bowl of yogurt or an apple. Not only does it make hectic mornings easier, but I know they are heading into their day with some healthy, yummy food in their bellies.

It's also SO easy to make. My 3 year old often helps, and decides what "extras" we will put in. This morning it was shredded coconut, and sometimes it's blueberries, or strawberries, or even peanut butter!

Mixing the ingredients only takes 5 minutes, then you throw it in the oven and listen to your kids ask "Is it ready yet?" every 10 minutes for almost an hour. If you haven't lost your mind by the time it's ready, take it out and decide if it needs to be cooked a little longer. This almost always needs to be done when trying a new recipe because ovens vary so much in temperature. To check if this banana bread is ready, insert a toothpick into the centre and pull it out. If it comes out clean, it's done. If it comes out with batter on it, wrap the whole pan in foil and put it back in the oven. This prevents the banana bread from getting too brown on the outside.

I hope you enjoy making this recipe!

© 2015 by You Can Call Me Queen Dee

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