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Christmas Morning Breakfast

There is so much happening on Christmas morning in this house that it makes it hard to serve my family a good breakfast. I don't want to spend my morning in the kitchen cooking and cleaning. I want to be with my kids. So I've been trying some easy bakes, or night before breakfasts. Last year, I made a delicious french toast bake, and this year I will be making a german pancake. I tried it out this morning to see if my recipe worked (usually a good idea before posting it for people) and to see if my kids liked it. Yes and Yes. This was the easiest thing to assemble (simply throw all ingredients into your blender and blend for 30 seconds) and clean up was a breeze. Pop it in the oven for 20 minutes and serve. Whoa. Bring it on.

I made mine with egg nog to make it more "festive", but you can just as easily make it with milk.


© 2015 by You Can Call Me Queen Dee

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